Lights, Camera, Action! Act out the story of the prodigal son. Choose parts (father, son, friends, pigs, servant—find a part for each family member) for the characters in the story. Read the story aloud from Luke 15:11-24 and the actors will do what is happening in...
Who Is Your Neighbor? Item needed: a box of Band-Aids Encourage “compassion-showing” all week by rewarding kids (with a “Good Samaritan” award—a Band-Aid) when they think of others. What is a Good Samaritan? (The name comes from a story Jesus told about a Samaritan—a...
The Great Eight Jesus taught the people a new way to live in His Sermon on the Mount. He taught the people about the kingdom of God and how to live as a follower of God. Jesus shared eight attitudes we should have, and He tells us when we have these attitudes, we are...
Baptism Example This week’s lesson was about Jesus’ baptism. Share a simple object lesson and then talk about your own baptism. (How old were you? What did it mean to you? Show them your baptismal certificate or a picture of your baptism, if available.) Hold up a...
Celebrate His Birth! Act out Gabriel’s visits to Mary and Joseph as a family as you read about it out loud from the Bible (Luke 1:26-38; Matthew 1:18-25). You might want to video this performance and watch it throughout the Christmas season. Chances are your child...
Obey the Instructions Items Needed: slip of paper with the name of a destination written on it (oak tree in backyard, dryer in laundry room, trunk of car, etc.) Reward (yummy treat, small gift, whatever you like) Hide a reward at a specific destination without the...
Grow in the Word Items needed: Packet of seeds, Flowerpots or starter pots, Soil, Water The Bible is God’s truth and contains all we need to grow to be more like Jesus. It can help us learn how to get to heaven, to be a good friend, to forgive our enemies, and to grow...
Why? Because! Items Needed: slips of paper or index cards; pencils; two small bowls (to hold the slips of paper) Play Why? Because! Give each person two slips of paper and a pencil. Ask them to write a question on one that starts with Why? (Why is milk white? Why do I...
Know Truth. Live Truth. Job was a man of integrity. He believed the truth about God and then he stayed true to his beliefs. When trouble came, he didn’t sin or curse God. He held to the truth that he knew about God. Job’s faith was tested, but he continued to do what...
Celebrate God’s Power Items Needed: Party horns, blowers, special foods, board game Explain to your children that you are having a Power Party. You can enjoy special foods and time together playing a board game. Remind the children that winning a game can make us feel...