• Elizabeth McGlathery founded Just Married Ministries with her husband Jon. She enjoys writing, planning, and missions trips. She serves as a local missionary with her husband. Connect with her at justmarriedministries.org.

4 Ways to Connect With Your Kids During Thanksgiving
4 Ways to Connect With Your Kids During Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving is a great opportunity to connect with your kids while they're out from school! Here are four simple ways to do so. #1 Involve your kids in the planning and prepping for your Thanksgiving meal.  Let them help with decorations Ask if they would like to...

10 Date Ideas for Fall
10 Date Ideas for Fall

Fall is one of my favorite times of the year! The leaves change, the boots and scarves come out of the box, pumpkin aroma fills the house, and it means all of the fun holidays are right around the corner. Here are a few date ideas to take advantage of this season...