D6 Blog

Parenting With Purpose: How To Disciple Your Kids At Home

Parenting With Purpose: How To Disciple Your Kids At Home

One of our principal ministries as parents is discipling those who God has placed in our family. We are aware of this responsibility, and we usually have the “want to.” But the “how to” might seem overwhelming. We must not let our feelings of incompetence lead us to rely solely on the ministry leaders at church, reminding our children to do what they say and leave it at that. Discipleship is so much more. Discipleship in the home is far too essential to be handed off to someone else, even if...

Devotion for Single Parents | Like Clay in the Hand of a Potter
Devotion for Single Parents | Like Clay in the Hand of a Potter

Many little girls dream about what it’s going to be like to have their own family when they grow up. Perhaps you were one of those dreamers. Or maybe when you fell in love with your children’s father, you had dreams of the happy family you and he would one day have....

Three Easy Ways to Make Your Kids Feel Awesome
Three Easy Ways to Make Your Kids Feel Awesome

I have four kids that span in age from 5 to 16—three girls and one boy. It doesn’t matter their age or their gender, here are three things that work to make my kids feel like they are special and unique. And they will work for you. (Side note: I don’t have the corner...

Gaps that Remain in the Faith-at-Home Movement
Gaps that Remain in the Faith-at-Home Movement

Ron Hunter led the launch of the D6 Conference in 2009. Around 1,400 attendees heard the faith-at-home message in Dallas at that first D6 Conference. Over the next several years, more than ten thousand participants attended D6, and this yearly gathering developed into...

Training to Run
Training to Run

"No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it." Hebrews 12:11 Discipleship takes discipline, and discipline is rarely easy.Discipline is painful and...

My Kid Doesn’t “Get” Anything Out of Church
My Kid Doesn’t “Get” Anything Out of Church

One common concern I often hear from parents and other adult church members about including children in the corporate worship setting is that kids won’t “get” anything out of the worship or the sermon. From an adult perspective, there are certain things we want to...

I Can’t Fix This
I Can’t Fix This

“I can’t fix this,” I said to my son Luca, as he complained to me yesterday about a neighborhood conflict he was engaged in. “But, Momma, Riley and Addison want girl time, and they don’t want to play with me.” I responded, knowing he would never understand the concept...

Devotion for Single Parents | Single Parenting Teens Is One Tough Job
Devotion for Single Parents | Single Parenting Teens Is One Tough Job

 “Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen.” Ephesians 4:29 (NIV) Parenting teens is a tough job. Just about the time you think you and your...

Devotion for Single Parents | Take Time to Soak
Devotion for Single Parents | Take Time to Soak

What do you think about when you hear the word “soak”? As a single mom you might think of soaking the kid’s play clothes that have so many stains they will never see clean again. Or your mind might go to that pile of dishes in the sink that have been there “soaking”...

Devotion for Single Parents | The Gentle Whisper
Devotion for Single Parents | The Gentle Whisper

Life for a single parent can be overwhelming to say the least. With children, it also tends to be a little noisy and confusing at times. Have you ever just wanted to just sit down and make the world go away, even if it was just for a few seconds? Have you wondered if...

Hope for the Hard
Hope for the Hard

Through the last number of years I have been learning the art of pressing on through adversity. I really shouldn’t call it “art” because so often it has been a teeth grinding, hand over hand, pressing onward that has looked far from inspiring. Most times it has been...

Devotion for Single Parents | Staying Strong
Devotion for Single Parents | Staying Strong

I wish I could tell you that in my single parenting journey I had always waited patiently for the Lord. I had lofty ideals of waiting on the Lord and staying strong. I'd like to impress you by saying that I would righteously read in Lamentations 3:24, "The Lord is my...