Imagine the entire church family coming together to worship God. Both young and old, standing shoulder to shoulder with the same teaching and shared experience. Creating a family service that appeals to all generations is possible. With a little planning…
We all struggle with temptation. Every single one of us. Some of us struggle with food, some with alcohol. Some of us crave the praise of people, and others struggle with the temptation to shop for stuff we think will…
The packages have been opened, the treats have been enjoyed, trips have been taken, and a vague sense of normalcy is beginning to return to homes. Bedtimes start to be reinforced again. Twinkling lights disappear and houses “go dark.” Slowly…
A few weeks ago, I (Pat) posted a review of The DNA of D6 by Ron Hunter. I tagged Ron Hunter on Twitter, but I didn’t think he’d see it… let alone respond. Imagine my surprise (… and shock … and fear) when he…
We need to disciple our kids, but effective discipleship is not going to happen from a stage or in a large group setting. Relationships are the key to discipling our kids and training them up to be godly men and women….
Recently I asked a group of almost 300 youth workers from across the country who primarily work with students ages 12-18 this question: “What is your biggest challenge in partnering with parents?” This was a cross section of those who…
Thanksgiving is a great opportunity to connect with your kids while they’re out from school! Here are four simple ways to do so. #1 Involve your kids in the planning and prepping for your Thanksgiving meal. Let them help with…
“If you could eat dinner with anyone, who would you pick?” Before you keep reading, take a moment and answer the question. Where did your mind go? Someone famous? Someone from the Bible? A hero or a friend? I recently…
Church attendance. Yup, we’re gonna go there. First the good news, because we need the good news. Jesus is Lord. Nothing can change that. And the church is the body of Christ, and nothing can change that. So that…
Fall is one of my favorite times of the year! The leaves change, the boots and scarves come out of the box, pumpkin aroma fills the house, and it means all of the fun holidays are right around the corner….