
Can’t? Won’t?
Can’t? Won’t?

Any book, film, or song is necessarily edited into its final form. Movies sometimes follow their credits by showing outtakes that didn’t make the final cut. A few short months ago this blog was a zygote, an edited outtake still being formed by the writing of, Grit...

Backward Planning for Your Children’s Future
Backward Planning for Your Children’s Future

In the book Toy Box Leadership, the chapter on Little Green Army Men provides a rich metaphor for leadership and preparation. These small, iconic toys symbolize much more than childhood play; they offer profound lessons about strategy, teamwork, and what the military...

Disciplines for Eternity-Based Parenting
Disciplines for Eternity-Based Parenting

When my children were young, I once confessed to my mom that sometimes I longed to get a cold or the flu—nothing serious, but just bad enough to force me into bed so I could get some much-needed rest. I thought my mom would laugh, but instead, she surprised me by...

Partnering With Parents: A Guide For Church Leaders
Partnering With Parents: A Guide For Church Leaders

Isn’t it great we get to participate in helping kids learn about the Lord, His Word, and His plan for their lives? Each week, in big and small ways, you are making a difference. I hope you believe this! The time you spend is a sure investment in the...

Bringing Joy to the Ends of the Earth
Bringing Joy to the Ends of the Earth

My five-year-old insists that crayons are an essential purchase this season, and I can only agree. She has a deep joy for giving to kids she may never meet, a joy she shares with her little brother as they intentionally pray over every colorful shoebox gift we pack as...

What Are Your Kids Watching?
What Are Your Kids Watching?

You might not be old enough to remember this phrase: “It’s 10 pm. Do you know where your children are?” This was a public service announcement used in the late 1960s through the late 1980s to remind parents to check up on their kids. Today, parents usually know...

Parenting With Purpose: How To Disciple Your Kids At Home
Parenting With Purpose: How To Disciple Your Kids At Home

One of our principal ministries as parents is discipling those who God has placed in our family. We are aware of this responsibility, and we usually have the “want to.” But the “how to” might seem overwhelming. We must not let our feelings of incompetence lead us to...

Happiness Is Not the Goal
Happiness Is Not the Goal

You hear it all around you, "I just want them to be happy." It’s many a parent’s desire for their kids, but it’s worth asking if this is the right goal. Think over your adult life. I’m willing to bet that happiness has been fleeting. Maybe you catch a glimpse when you...

What Kind of Boundaries Will Protect My Child’s Mental Health?
What Kind of Boundaries Will Protect My Child’s Mental Health?

“Boundaries” has become a buzzword in parenting. Boundaries are necessary for a balanced, responsible life. The smartphone has blown the lid off of every boundary imaginable in ways we could never have anticipated. This great social experiment has the majority of the...

Helping Your Child Learn Self-Control
Helping Your Child Learn Self-Control

Learning self-control is a lifelong process, and you should look at each day as an opportunity to help your child continually grow in self-control. What can you do to help him or her?  Model self-control. Yelling at your child for yelling at his sibling is not...


I feel like I need to start with a couple of confessions. Confession is not only good for the soul, but it also brings clarity of purpose when it comes to living for Christ. So, here are my confessions. When I first became a dad, I realized I had more shortcomings...