
D6 Family Easter Adventure Kit
D6 Family Easter Adventure Kit

Making holidays memorable is biblical. In the Old Testament, God designed multiple annual feasts to be reminders of His work among His people and provided them family-centered celebrations to help them share their faith with the next generations. Christmas and Easter...

I Love Jesus, But I Want to Die: An Interview with Sarah J. Robinson
I Love Jesus, But I Want to Die: An Interview with Sarah J. Robinson

“I love Jesus, but I want to die.” Those sobering words from Sarah J. Robinson were uttered in the darkness of a depression that felt unending. Yet even in the pain, there was hope waiting to be found. In her latest book (I Love Jesus, But I Want to Die), Sarah takes...

Sharing the Recipe for Life
Sharing the Recipe for Life

When I was a child, I felt like a real chef when I was in the kitchen with my mom. Would she have been able to bake that pie faster without my “help”? Definitely. Did she really need me? Not a bit. But I needed her and needed to learn. Today, my grandsons climb up on...

Teenagers and Social Media
Teenagers and Social Media

I have taught middle school students for 14 years. Each year at my current school, we take our students on a field trip to Florida. My students have an amazing experience that includes snorkeling with manatees, hiking through the forest, exploring caves, and more....

Parenting as a Christian in an Overly Sexualized Culture
Parenting as a Christian in an Overly Sexualized Culture

It is not an overstatement to say we live in an overly sexualized culture. As a Christian, this is both alarming and disturbing. It is hard enough to navigate these waters individually, but it is even harder to navigate as a parent. My wife and I have eight children....

Daddy, Why Did God Let Me Have Diabetes?
Daddy, Why Did God Let Me Have Diabetes?

Two of our three children were born with Congenital Hyperinsulinism, a rare genetic disorder of the pancreas, that causes blood sugar to constantly bottom out to dangerously low levels. Shortly after birth they each received a 98% pancreatectomy, and they are now...

Starting a Legacy as a New Dad
Starting a Legacy as a New Dad

On February 18, 2020 my wife and I were introduced to our firstborn child. It was a surreal experience. It was the holiest moment I’ve ever been a part of outside of the moment Jesus saved me. I have had many dads tell me about the birth experience, “There is nothing...

Recalibrate to a New Norm
Recalibrate to a New Norm

As we work through the coronavirus pandemic, my family is  adjusting to the "new normal." At home is the “new normal.” But what does that entail? In Psalm 78, God gives us a blueprint for how faith is replicated throughout all generations. He chose to use the family...

Family Faith Talks
Family Faith Talks

Do you ever feel overwhelmed with all the changes in the world? How will you ever raise your kids to love God in this culture? Cell phones, social media, music, and so many things can make the most confident parents unsettled. You’re already time-starved and can...

Easter Scavenger Hunt for the Family
Easter Scavenger Hunt for the Family

Editor's Note: This post was originaly published in March of 2016. We're republishing it now to be a resource in these times of social distancing. The final weeks leading up to Easter are a wonderful time for families to gather around the Bible and consider the...