Elementary Teaching Guide
The Elementary Teaching Guide is the leader’s guide for elementary students (grades K-5) that encourages application of God’s Word and emphasizes biblical literacy and apologetics. It provides resources for parents and teachers to foster daily discipleship and conversations throughout the week. Weekly activity and teaching options are provided for both younger and older elementary students to help customize the lessons to fit the needs of your class.
Elementary Teaching Essentials
Elementary Teaching Essentials provide the resources needed to teach elementary students most effectively. Each set includes teaching pictures and posters, reproducible sheets, application verse posters, an attendance poster, and more. It is available in your choice of translations (application verse posters) — KJV, ESV, NKJV, and NIV.
This set of tools also includes Field Notes: a weekly link between class and home. These reproducible sheets are provided in two versions to accommodate younger and older students. They are designed to reinforce weekly lessons and themes using age-appropriate activities for the church and home. One side offers a worksheet activity to be used in the classroom. The other side is intended to be used at home and includes the Scripture text, a summary of that day’s lesson, and activities for families to do together to reinforce the application and response to God’s Word.

At Home

Adventure Guide is the devotional study guide for young elementary students (grades K-2) designed to help establish the habit of spending daily time with God in His Word. This magazine features kid-friendly facts and details about God and His Word. In each issue, daily Bible interaction helps reinforce the themes children learn at church. It also includes fun puzzles, jokes, short stories, and other activities to help them engage with God and His Word.

Explorer’s Guide is the devotional study guide for older elementary students (grades 3-5). It is a tool designed to help the kids grow the habit of daily spending time with God in His Word. Each issue features foundational Scriptural concepts and everyday application. Daily Bible study questions, help reinforce the biblical themes learned at church. It also includes fun puzzles, jokes, short stories, and other activities to help them engage with God’s Word and grow in their faith.