The Bridge Do a simple object lesson to help your kids understand reconciliation. Line up your children side by side facing you. As you share a list of sins, ask them to take one step back if they have ever done that. (For example: If you’ve ever told a lie, take a...
Help from the Holy Spirit Read the following passages and ask your children what the Holy Spirit does for us or gives us after each Scripture. John 14:26 Teaches usJohn 16:7-8 Convicts usJohn 16:13-15 Shows us truth1 Corinthians 3:16 Dwells in usActs 1:8 Empowers...
Copycat Play Copycat to talk about following an example. Pick one person to be the model and all the others will be the copycats. The model will perform simple actions (lift an arm, raise a leg, pat stomach, touch toes, etc.) and the copycats must see how quickly and...
Listen When Jesus appeared to three of His disciples on the Mount of Transfiguration, they were allowed to see His glory. Jesus was not just a man, but He was the Son of God. God spoke to them, told them He was pleased with His Son, and instructed them to listen to...
Can You? Let kids try each one to see if it is easy or hard. Is it easy or hard to: rub your belly and pat your headtouch your nose with your tonguekiss your elbowmake a human tripod (balance your body with only your head and two hands on the floor—the first step in...
Strong Inside Do the following experiment to start a conversation about God’s presence in us, which can help us get through hard times. Ask: What do you want to do when bad things happen? (Get angry; feel sad; cry; etc.) Do you ever feel like you will just explode?...
As Sure as the Stars Stay up late, go outside, put a blanket on the ground, look up, and count the stars. God made a promise to Abraham that his descendants (children and grandchildren and great-grandchildren, etc.) would be as many as the stars in the sky (Genesis...
God’s Gift Items Needed: A small gift for each child (favorite candy; small toy; gift card for fast food or ice cream; favorite treat; etc.); gift box or bag Wrap and give each child a small gift. Talk about this week’s theme of grace. What did you have to do to get...
Really, Really Hard Things Read the story aloud from Genesis 22:1-19. What are some hard things God has asked us to do? (Forgive others; love certain people; obey the first time; etc.) God asked Abraham to do something very hard, but God knew all along that He would...
As Sure as the Stars Stay up late, go outside, put a blanket on the ground, look up, and count the stars. God made a promise to Abraham that his descendants (children and grandchildren and great-grandchildren, etc.) would be as many as the stars in the sky (Genesis...