Can You Hear Me? Plan a family night after dinner one night this week. Tell your children that they will get to run an obstacle course. Instruct them to listen very carefully, because you are only going to whisper. Emphasize that they will be able to hear your...
Want to Get Stronger? When Daniel was just a young man, he decided to put God first. Every day, he prayed three times a day (and probably more). Daniel was a very important man and probably had many responsibilities, but he made praying his priority. A priority is...
All Puffed Up Items Needed: balloon Sometimes a good way to understand a word is to think about its opposite. The opposite of humility is pride. What is pride? (Thinking too highly of one’s self; thinking you are better than others; etc.) Invite the kids to think of...
Keep Your Eyes On Me The best way for children to learn how to face their fears and gain courage is by watching their parents face fears and be courageous. We can help our children learn strategies and Bible verses, which are very important, but they will more likely...
Pray Expectantly Items Needed: Spiral notebook, pen/pencil Start a prayer journal. Buy a spiral notebook. On the first page, draw a vertical line down the middle. On the left side write “Requests” and on the right side write “Answers.” Every evening after dinner, take...
What Matters Most Items Needed: A plastic bag for each child, a bag with a Bible, family picture, and a special gift from your child Before going on a picnic or out to eat, give your child five minutes to pack a bag with 3-5 of his/her most important belongings before...
Forgiveness Forgiving others when they hurt us is not always easy. We must teach our children to forgive. Ask your child to write down or draw a picture showing how they were offended, insulted, or hurt. How did you feel when you were insulted or hurt? (Sad, mad, left...
Lean On Me Ask each family member to find a partner and sit on the floor with his/her back to one another. (Partners with similar height work best.) Instruct each pair to link arms and stand up without unlinking arms. (Partners will have to lean on one another in...
A Special Gift Items Needed: Gift card to an ice cream shop Wrap the gift card and give it to one family member. After he/she has opened it, ask, “What would like to do with your gift?” (Hopefully, he/she will say, “Use it!”) Are you willing to share your gift with...
How Many Toys Do You Have? Send your child to his or her room to count the toys and then report the number. Ask: Do you have enough toys? Why or why not? How many toys do you need to be satisfied or content? Read Philippians 4:11-12 aloud. What does it mean to be...