Early in your childhood, you were taught various games that enhanced your logic and skill. Such games included Connect Four, Concentration, and even Tic-Tac-Toe, you probably played some form of a trivia game where you matched answers to various categories…
I recently went on a popular website to get a look at my ancestors. Truth be told, I was hunting to see if I could find any family members who might possibly be on the Cherokee Indian Roll. What I…
I once heard a youth pastor say, “The reason you don’t hear pastors preaching about the importance of family is because we ourselves are not doing family very well.” Let that sink in for a moment. Has this been true…
You see it on overpasses, the sides of buildings, and on the occasional billboard. The person wanting their message or art seen has left his or her mark. Some marks are territorial; some are works of art, while others send…
A new study done by Patrick F. Fagan examines the effects of pornography on individuals, marriage, family, and community. Fagan is Senior Fellow and Director of the Center for Research on Marriage and Religion at the Family Research Council. He specializes…
Every religion has a sacred book. Only Christianity has the incarnation, which literally means “en-flesh-ment.” God became a flesh-and-blood human being to reveal Himself to us in a way written words could not accomplish. The gospel of John tells us that “the Word became flesh and dwelt…