Isn’t it great we get to participate in helping kids learn about the Lord, His Word, and His plan for their lives? Each week, in big and small ways, you are making a difference. I hope you believe this! The…
One of our principal ministries as parents is discipling those who God has placed in our family. We are aware of this responsibility, and we usually have the “want to.” But the “how to” might seem overwhelming. We must not…
D6 Family Ministry recently released a podcast titled A Biblical Response to Progressive Christianity. You can go here to listen to the interview where we dive into a riveting conversation with Alisa Childers, the renowned author of Live Your Truth…
Learning self-control is a lifelong process, and you should look at each day as an opportunity to help your child continually grow in self-control. What can you do to help him or her? Model self-control. Yelling at your child for…
If blessed with a long life, there is a strong likelihood you will come to a point when your parents need some sort of care. This could range from complete nursing home care to occasional assistance. Generally, it will be…
As Christians, we often wrestle with questions concerning the state of our world and the role our faith plays out in our culture. Research shows we are gaining converts but losing influence. How do we influence the culture we live…
As parents, we must ask ourselves, “What do our teens typically base their decision-making on: Feelings or Truth?” We must ask this question of ourselves as well and model healthy decision-making as best as we can. In our feelings-driven culture,…
Technology is constantly evolving in our culture. There will always be the next, best thing that grabs the attention of society, which brings unique challenges of how we are to deal with the ever-changing culture as our children are often…
Navigating through a year filled with challenges, many of us have felt the weight of heightened stress and concern. We are more than ready for a season of peace and joy. In the midst of the chaos, we need to…
Here’s a great article from Fusion Family to help you have tough conversations with your kids.