D6 launched its first conference in 2009. Six years later, it has become a community of movers and shakers who are shaping the future of family ministry. We are championing an environment where the church and home are working together…
We all like big numbers. Whether it’s how many people clicked on our blog link, or the number of people attending our lifegroup or church event, or how many people we’ve led to the Lord (or at least how many…
D6 Louisville kicks off in two days and we want to give you another chance to catch some of the main stage sessions during this years conference. We know it’s not possible for all of you to make it to…
Parent-child connectedness can be defined as “being closely bonded by common traditions and frequently occurring activities.” I think a good short definition would be “intentional togetherness.” It’s eating dinner five or more times a week as a family, as opposed…
We know it’s not possible for all of you to be at D6 Dallas, but here’s a chance for you to catch some of our main stage sessions at the comfort of your own home (or work). If you’re on…
Early in your childhood, you were taught various games that enhanced your logic and skill. Such games included Connect Four, Concentration, and even Tic-Tac-Toe, you probably played some form of a trivia game where you matched answers to various categories…
If we want our faith to endure for all generations, we must become increasingly confident and focused about the kind of faith we are trying to pass on to our children and grandchildren. Letʼs look at what God has to…
It seems like lately I’ve had one overwhelming, absorbing thought pervading me, consuming my mental energies and my emotional storehouses, ransacking my prayer life, and dominating my conversations. One thought that’s becoming an… obsession? Maybe. But, y’all, I have got…
There are some people that you just click with. It’s easy to sit down together and talk about what matters most because you share something: an unspoken affinity for what drives you. Conversation flows naturally. You’re inspired by hearing each…
They sat across from each other at the kitchen table. I sat on one side, my husband, JT, on the other. The four of us squared off around the table. Our girls were somewhere between seven and eight years old…