D6 Blog

9 Keys to a Healthier Marriage

9 Keys to a Healthier Marriage

Experiencing a strong, vibrant, and healthy marriage didn’t stop with your marriage vows and the commitment you made to each other on your wedding day—it goes beyond that in the way you live out your commitment to each other in your day-to-day lives. Continuing to learn about the other person and discovering new ways to love and appreciate them, adds joy, excitement, and reminders of why you married them to begin with. Even when things are going well, it’s important to continue working on your...

Christianity’s Orphans
Christianity’s Orphans

I just watched a new version of Oliver Twist. It shows the barefoot, ill-kept orphan boys carrying their bowls to mealtime where each will receive one measly serving of an awful gruel. Those who run the orphanage gorge themselves on a delicious feast a few feet away...

You Are Free to Disobey
You Are Free to Disobey

Thanks to the ministries of guys like Dr. Kevin Leman, Dr. James Dobson, and Dr. John Townsend, we learned some pretty key parenting lessons early on. One of the lessons that resonated with us early in our parenting journey was this: One of our primary goals as...

Calm Decisions Under Pressure
Calm Decisions Under Pressure

Ever face critical decisions with only seconds to think? Watching sports may cause some to think of coaches who have to quickly decide a call to make. Do I kick the field goal at this stage of the game? Do I bring in the left-hander? Do I make the line change now or...

D6 to Families of All Abilities
D6 to Families of All Abilities

“Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one. And He has claimed you as His, regardless of any other labels the world places on you: You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might. even if inattention or...

Please Do Not Disturb
Please Do Not Disturb

When I check into a hotel alone, I have a personal policy that I hang the “Do not disturb” door hanger on my door immediately for three primary reasons, each of which fits the category of personal protection. First, you will laugh, it helps me remember which room I am...

Oops, I Missed One
Oops, I Missed One

When I was eight, one of the activities I most enjoyed was coloring, hiding, and finding Easter eggs. Yes, I know Easter was several days ago, but hang in there with me. After church we always went home for lunch. There was always more food on the table than the...

Bonsai Leadership
Bonsai Leadership

The Karate Kid movie made bonsai trees popular in America. In this 1984 movie, Mr. Miyagi teaches a young boy Karate through unusual methods and the famous phrase “wax on, wax off.” Mr. Miyagi also grew bonsai trees, a curious looking botanical oddity. Bonsai trees,...

“Doing Book” With Your Kids: Tales of the Not Forgotten
“Doing Book” With Your Kids: Tales of the Not Forgotten

Recently, I began to read the book Tales of the Not Forgotten by Beth Guckenberger, with my oldest son, Warren. Warren is nine but is an advanced reader. He’s reading some four hundred+ fiction books that he loves; my challenge has been to try to pry him away from...

The Fruit of a Godly Legacy
The Fruit of a Godly Legacy

I hear a lot about how young adults leave church. Some believe this to be the fault of the parents. No discipleship going on in the home. A hypocritical faith of the parents. No intentionality in their parenting. My story is not like that. By God’s grace, I haven’t...

Tax Deadline
Tax Deadline

April 15 is a deadline no wise taxpayer can ignore. Various people view deadlines differently. Starting tasks just hours, or minutes, before needed shows a disregard for quality work within a deadline. This lack of preparation and forethought creates mistakes costing...

Starbucks Staffing
Starbucks Staffing

Ever had a bad experience with a staff member at Starbucks? Order a double chocolate chip frappuccino with a hit of peppermint, one white chocolate latte, and a double espresso, then sit and watch the bistro work. They are methodical, repetitious, exact, and yet...

Young Adult Resources
Young Adult Resources

I've spent the last seven years of my ministry as the Student Ministries Pastor at Kirby Church in Michigan and have recently transitioned to The Donelson Fellowship in Nashville to become a Young Adults Pastor, ministering to 18-29 year olds. As someone who really...