The phrase “fear not” appears 158 times in the Bible. Fear is an emotional response to a real or perceived imminent threat; anxiety is the anticipation of a future threat. Left unchecked, it can wreck our lives. I have witnessed…
If blessed with a long life, there is a strong likelihood you will come to a point when your parents need some sort of care. This could range from complete nursing home care to occasional assistance. Generally, it will be…
As Christians, we often wrestle with questions concerning the state of our world and the role our faith plays out in our culture. Research shows we are gaining converts but losing influence. How do we influence the culture we live…
To help navigate the moral maze of artificial intelligence (AI) and how it affects our churches, three writers join forces in this written panel discussion. Whether this is your first deep dive into AI, or if it causes you to…
Can you relate to any of the following statements? 2 Timothy 3:16-17 helps us understand the value of learning God’s Word. The Bible teaches valuable truths and provides needed correction and training for living a godly life. Parents must find…
I don’t know anyone who enjoys reading books where they jump around reading various chapters out of order. For example, let’s consider the classic children’s book Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll. If you were to read the chapters…
Have you ever seen a group get sidetracked by a controversial debate? I imagine you have, and I’m sure it was awkward. We want to help you discover how to navigate controversial topics in your group setting. There is no…
“A sleepy soul is already an ensnared soul. That soul that will not watch against temptations will certainly fall before the power of temptations. Satan works most strongly on the imagination when the soul is drowsy.” —Thomas Brooks The…
One thing we all have in common is that at some point in our life we will face profound loss. How do we help people in our church deal with loss? When we talk about something like loss, we are…
Organizing. Budgeting. Shopping. Planning. Wrapping. Stressing. It’s easy to let the busyness of Christmas overpower the reason why we’re celebrating in the first place. It can be nearly impossible to find time to thank God for sending His Son when…