
Breaking the Cycle of Hopelessness and Negativity In Your Teenager
Breaking the Cycle of Hopelessness and Negativity In Your Teenager

The image of the angry, depressed, cynical, and lazy teenager is common today. Teens are often portrayed as feeling entitled, being unwilling to work, having many dreams but few plans for making them a reality. That portrayal is exaggerated. Many teens have a positive...

Coaching Your Child to Be An Encourager
Coaching Your Child to Be An Encourager

Words (and actions) have the power to encourage or discourage. How can you help your child be one who lifts others up instead of tearing them down? Run a relay twice to explain the meaning and importance of discouraging/encouraging words. Gather paper cups, a bucket...

For the Glory of the Lord (Not the Self) in Parenting
For the Glory of the Lord (Not the Self) in Parenting

Have you noticed? We are now living with the consequences of the most “me” focused culture in our known history. Discovering Self, becoming Self, identifying Self, promoting Self, taking Selfies, glorifying Self, adoring Self, and fulfilling Self takes priority over...

Let Every Heart Prepare Him Room
Let Every Heart Prepare Him Room

Organizing. Budgeting. Shopping. Planning. Wrapping. Stressing. It’s easy to let the busyness of Christmas overpower the reason why we’re celebrating in the first place. It can be nearly impossible to find time to thank God for sending His Son when our culture demands...

Thankful Pumpkin
Thankful Pumpkin

November. The month we set aside to celebrate thankfulness. While, yes, as Christians, we should most definitely be thankful day in and day out, 365 days a year. But as a mom, I wanted to find something tangible for my children that would make this time of...

Helping Our Children Influence Culture
Helping Our Children Influence Culture

As Christians, we often wrestle with questions concerning the state of our world and the role our faith plays out in our culture. Research shows we are gaining converts but losing influence. How do we influence the culture we live in when so many are opposed to our...

How to Have Heart-To-Heart Talks
How to Have Heart-To-Heart Talks

“Daddy, can we talk?“ Upon hearing this question parents may wonder, Is this a ploy to avoid bedtime? Or it could create concern that something awful might be revealed. But having faith conversations and heart-to-heart talks can be as normal as eating every day. When...

Helping Kids Understand Doomsday News
Helping Kids Understand Doomsday News

The sky is falling! The world is coming to an end! War is imminent!  Doom and gloom fill the news. There is always some new danger or threat. We need to help our children understand all the alarm and bad news they hear on a daily basis. Here are a few strategies...

The Power of God’s Word on Families
The Power of God’s Word on Families

When we consider ways to effectively share God’s Word with our families, it’s easy to get overwhelmed. We know God’s Word is powerful, but where do we start? What book do we read? Which resource do we use? When will I fit this into my schedule? Thankfully, God has...

As a Parent, What Does Success Look Like to You?
As a Parent, What Does Success Look Like to You?

“Let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us” (Hebrews 12:1b NIV).Not to tell you something you don’t already know, but this parenting thing is hard. As I’ve said many times...


KIDNAPPED! A mom and dad’s worst fear! The thought of not knowing what might be happening to our child and losing control of their safety would be unimaginable! The fear and despair we would experience until we got our child back would be unbearable! While we cannot...