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God Is In Control

Can You Do Hard Things? Let children try each one to see if it is easy or hard. Rub your belly and pat your head.Touch your nose with your tongue.Kiss your elbow.Make a human tripod (balance your body with only your head and two hands on the floor—the first step in...


What’s Different? Pair up family members and ask them to stand back-to-back. Tell them to change one thing—take off glasses, put hair behind ear, put hat on backwards, etc. They are to turn and look at each other and try to spot what the other person changed. Do this...

Faith Chooses to Obey

Really Hard Things Item Needed: Bible What hard things has God asked us to do? (Forgive others; love certain people; obey the first time; etc.) Read and discuss the story from Genesis 22:1–19 with your children. God asked Abraham to do something very hard—sacrifice...

Choices Have Consequences

Choose Wisely Brainstorm situations where children need to make a choice (lost lunch money; need to do book report but friend wants you to go to ballgame; friends want you to watch a movie your parents have prohibited; teacher leaves the room and tells class to finish...

Abraham Trusted God

Sign It! Items Needed: Paper, writing utensil Think of something you would like to do for your child and write it down on a piece of paper. (I promise to take you to the park on Saturday; I promise to buy you an ice cream cone; I promise to make a special dessert for...

God Designed Male and Female

What Shape Is Your Heart? Items Needed: Bible, air dry clay or play dough Give each person in the family some clay or play dough and instruct them to make a heart. When everyone is done creating, allow each person to share his or her heart. Read Genesis 1:27 together...


The Standard Items Needed: Bible, sticks, ruler Send the children outside to find a straight stick. When they return, hold their sticks (one by one) beside a ruler. Is this stick crooked? How do you know? Do this with several other sticks—some very crooked and some...

Sin Destroys

Let’s Create! Items Needed: Bible, stamp pad (or paint or even a marker), copy paper, markers, colored pencils Ask children to create a picture by pressing their fingertip on the stamp pad (paint or marker tip) and then pressing it on the paper to make different...

God Is the Creator

Splink | God Is the Creator October 15, 2023 Praise Him! Items Needed: Bible, device to play music, construction or copy paper, scissors, markers, stickers, yarn, tape, etc. Read Genesis 1:1, the verse of the month your children are learning at church. Encourage...

Jesus Has Power Over Death

I Spy Items Needed: Bible, paper, writing utensil (Optional: phone or camera) Go on a nature scavenger hunt. Make a list of items the children will need to find (rock bigger than your hand, three kinds of leaves, two insects, flower, worm, piece of bark, blade of...