D6 Blog

Disciplines for Eternity-Based Parenting
When my children were young, I once confessed to my mom that sometimes I longed to get a cold or the flu—nothing serious, but just bad enough to force me into bed so I could get some much-needed rest. I thought my mom would laugh, but instead, she surprised me by saying that she took things a step further. As a mother of six, she used to fantasize about getting arrested, because then she would be in prison, locked up alone with nothing to do but sleep. Sometimes when you have a house full of...

Starting a Legacy as a New Dad
On February 18, 2020 my wife and I were introduced to our firstborn child. It was a surreal experience. It was the holiest moment I’ve ever been a part of outside of the moment Jesus saved me. I have had many dads tell me about the birth experience, “There is nothing...

A Family Approach to Discussing Racism, Social Injustice, and the Gospel
When talking about racism and social injustice, parents must understand it is a complex and multilayered conversation with two broad categories: Citizen vs. Citizen—Systematic & Systemic Oppression, Institutional Racism, Social and Economic Injustice, Prejudice...

Changing Perspective In Crisis
My world changed August 25, 2017. God used a hurricane to alter my five-year plan and to recalibrate some of my thoughts about ministry. Like most of Rockport, Texas we evacuated to escape the force of category four Hurricane Harvey. The eye passed directly over our...

Rediscovering the Power of Home Connections
I am hopeful your Easter Sunday was meaningful despite the challenges this year. While none of us would sign up to repeat this ordeal with COVID-19, I see real positives beginning to emerge. Our pastors are learning to pivot more quickly, ramping up on technology...

Recalibrate to a New Norm
As we work through the coronavirus pandemic, my family is adjusting to the "new normal." At home is the “new normal.” But what does that entail? In Psalm 78, God gives us a blueprint for how faith is replicated throughout all generations. He chose to use the family...

Family Faith Talks
Do you ever feel overwhelmed with all the changes in the world? How will you ever raise your kids to love God in this culture? Cell phones, social media, music, and so many things can make the most confident parents unsettled. You’re already time-starved and can...

Maintaining Good Mental Health During Covid-19
Hey, good morning (or whatever time it is in your corner of the world.) Maybe you are not like me. Since I was a child I have been very familiar with “time out.” Actually, that is not quite accurate because when I was a child, my parents did not know that phrase...

What Will It Look Like in a Post-Covid Culture?
Pandemic, apocalyptic—words I thought only appeared in TV and movie scripts now used in everyday vocabulary. What will it look like in a post COVID-19 culture? What will be missing, different, and the same? And, what can we do now? Years ago, I read a Tom Clancy novel...

Easter Scavenger Hunt for the Family
Editor's Note: This post was originaly published in March of 2016. We're republishing it now to be a resource in these times of social distancing. The final weeks leading up to Easter are a wonderful time for families to gather around the Bible and consider the...

Surviving Crisis in Ministry
The Scriptures lead us to this idea…love your neighbor. I know you have a ton of emotions when it comes to COVID-19 but you also have one huge opportunity to love your neighbor well in the next few weeks. Let’s talk just a moment about crisis. Crisis moments are...

Celebrating Easter with Your Family
Easter is the more commonly recognized name for the season, but the week of Jesus’ death, burial, and resurrection is also known as Passion Week. That week begins with the Triumphant Entry or Palm Sunday and proceeds to Good Friday, the traditional day of Jesus’...

Why Spiritual Truth Must Be Impressed, Intentionally, Upon A Child’s Heart
In Deuteronomy 6:4-9, Moses challenges the People of Israel to “listen up!” That’s what the first word of the passage says. It is usually translated, “hear.” But in Hebrew thought the word actually means to “Listen up, and obey.” That’s a pretty powerful start to the...