The image of the angry, depressed, cynical, and lazy teenager is common today. Teens are often portrayed as feeling entitled, being unwilling to work, having many dreams but few plans for making them a reality. That portrayal is exaggerated. Many…
By: Elizabeth McGlathery Understand that people grieve in their own way and at their own pace. Healing is a process that takes time and effort. Time alone does not heal wounds; rather, time gives us the opportunity to take steps…
Many times in my life I have heard “Communication is the key to a healthy marriage.” But, I am here to tell you that it isn’t. In my 6 months of marriage I have learned that communication is NOT the…
We live in a fast paced world. Due to technology, the rate of change increases exponentially every year, and as churches, ministry organizations, and families, it can sometimes be difficult to know exactly where to plug in. At D6, we’ve…
It seems like lately I’ve had one overwhelming, absorbing thought pervading me, consuming my mental energies and my emotional storehouses, ransacking my prayer life, and dominating my conversations. One thought that’s becoming an… obsession? Maybe. But, y’all, I have got…
For Millennial dads, life can sometimes leave us feeling like walking contradictions. We hear about how we Millennials are all individualists to the core. We look out for Number One and dismiss the rest. “Forget others,” we are told we…
We live in a fatherless generation where we have seen deep wounds emerge and lives become crippled. In Escape the Lie, Walker Moore talks about this deep-seated problem known as the Orphan Heart. He inspires readers to overcome these wounds…
If a group of friends hang out, and no one posts about it on social media . . . did it actually happen? Have we placed such a high priority on our online images that our real-life relationships begin to…
Social media. It shows the best of technology while simultaneously showing the worst of mankind. While flattening the world and connecting us in ways we never could have dreamed 30 years ago, it has also provided people an outlet to…