D6 Blog

Building a Stronger Marriage: Safeguarding Your Relationship Against Unseen Threats

Building a Stronger Marriage: Safeguarding Your Relationship Against Unseen Threats

In today’s world, we’re bombarded with messages about securing our physical spaces—infomercials tout the benefits of safe-proofing our homes, protecting us from external threats. But what about the unseen attacks on our spiritual and marital foundations? As parents and leaders, it’s crucial that we don’t just focus on safeguarding our physical surroundings; we must also fortify the foundations of our relationships. The integrity of marriage is under constant threat from both blatant and subtle...

Redefining Nursery Ministry
Redefining Nursery Ministry

What does nursery ministry look like in most churches? Often there’s a rotation of volunteers. Maybe ladies stay during a service once a month or couple of months. The nursery supervisor calls them the night before to remind them it’s “their Sunday.” They rock and...

Time for a ‘Radical Reevaluation’ of Youth Ministry
Time for a ‘Radical Reevaluation’ of Youth Ministry

This year I am celebrating my 50th year focused on teenagers and the adults important to teenagers. What a blessing it has been for the Lord to give me this ministry focused on youth for my lifetime. Yet, after a half-century in this vital ministry, I've come to the...

Christmas Family Drip Candle – Hope in the Darkness
Christmas Family Drip Candle – Hope in the Darkness

It is so interesting that we celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ in the middle of winter, when darkness comes early. For thousands of years, God’s people lived in darkness, waiting. John called Jesus “the light of men” (John 1:4) and “the light in the darkness” (John...

Thanksgiving & Community
Thanksgiving & Community

This month, families and friends across the United States will gather to share a meal, to enjoy one another’s presence, and to celebrate and give thanks for the blessings we corporately and individually share. Community, the gathering together of people, will be at...

Quotes from the D6 Conference
Quotes from the D6 Conference

I have had the honor of attending the D6 Conference for the past four years, and I have to say: It just gets better and better. I do not ever leave this conference without being inspired both as a parent and as a ministry leader. This year was no exception. For the...

Recalibrate: A Review
Recalibrate: A Review

Your plate is full and you feel busy, but is your plate full of the right things? Are you busy for the sake of being busy, or are you actually carrying out God’s calling for your life? For your sanity, and for the sake of your church's future, you need the clarity of...

Revolution & Recalibration: Lessons From the 4th
Revolution & Recalibration: Lessons From the 4th

Even if you’re not an American citizen, you recognize the significance of July the fourth. That unique day is more than just the 185th day of the year, it signifies the birth of a nation over 240 years ago. The original 13 American colonies experienced birth pains...

Building Student Ministry on a Gospel Foundation
Building Student Ministry on a Gospel Foundation

I have encountered very few youth workers who intentionally marginalize the gospel. Most youth workers genuinely care for students and want to help them discover God’s calling on their lives. Despite our good intentions and all the attention given to youth ministry...

Creating a Parenting Resource Center in Your Church on a Budget
Creating a Parenting Resource Center in Your Church on a Budget

Although the church plays a vital role in training and equipping families to be strong in the Lord, parents have the greatest influence on their children. Deuteronomy 6:5-7 commands us not only to love the Lord with all our heart but also to impress our faith on our...

She Marks That Word Out of Her Bible
She Marks That Word Out of Her Bible

“My dad and mom gave me two Christmas gifts that prove they do not get me” declared this young lady who was obviously bewildered by her parents. I could not hide my amazement and blurted out, "Oh wow! What did you do?" As she explained, this college student talked...

The Simplicity of Family Discipleship
The Simplicity of Family Discipleship

“Daddy,” my six-year-old leaned over and whispered in my ear, “should I change it to baseball? Because that’s what our family does”— and I was reminded that family discipleship can be far simpler than we sometimes think. Three or four months had passed since this...

Moms & Learning
Moms & Learning

The church calendar is punctuated by celebrations and times of preparation for those celebrations. On the heels of Easter, the next celebration, Mother’s Day, is almost here. In 2 Timothy 3:14 Paul writes this to Timothy, “But as for you, continue in what...