• Ron Hunter Jr. is the CEO of D6 Family Minstry. Dr. Hunter is the author or coauthor of three books, The DNA of D6: Building Blocks of Generational Discipleship, Youth Ministry in the 21st Century: 5 Views, and Toy Box Leadership. He is the co-founder and director of the D6 Conference, but his favorite titles are husband and father.

Moms & Learning
Moms & Learning

The church calendar is punctuated by celebrations and times of preparation for those celebrations. On the heels of Easter, the next celebration, Mother’s Day, is almost here. In 2 Timothy 3:14 Paul writes this to Timothy, “But as for you, continue in what...

Easter Preparation Frenzy
Easter Preparation Frenzy

This month marks the countdown to Easter. Many church leaders have already participated in staff meetings planning for the extra services, the decorations, volunteer recruitment, special events, and promotion to the community. Many of you have ordered our Easter Guide...

Coaching the Weak-Side Foot
Coaching the Weak-Side Foot

The whole world watched as U.S. Women’s team member Carli Lloyd scored three goals within just 16 minutes to defeat Japan in the 2015 FIFA Women’s World Cup. This particular game would also be the last World Cup match for Abby Wambach who holds the record for most...

5 Steps to a Healthy Family Ministry in Your Church
5 Steps to a Healthy Family Ministry in Your Church

Do you avoid going to doctor? We find every reason not to go, not the least of which is that we think whatever is wrong will go away on its own. While some issues might resolve without being addressed – some will only get worse. My wife lost an aunt because she...

Back to the Future of Families
Back to the Future of Families

Today’s date, October 21, 2015, is significant for all “Back to the Future” enthusiasts.  In the second movie of the franchise’s trilogy, Doc Brown, Marty, and Jennifer go forward from 1985 to 2015. You can see a small clip of some of the many predictions they made...

Connecting Church & Home
Connecting Church & Home

Tim Kimmel has long been the leading voice in what he has become known for—“Grace-based Parenting.” I will never forget hearing Tim speak for the very first time, we were Skyping him in to a small group of influencers having lunch together. Tim asked this question...

God Does Graffiti
God Does Graffiti

You see it on overpasses, the sides of buildings, and on the occasional billboard. The person wanting their message or art seen has left his or her mark. Some marks are territorial; some are works of art, while others send a message. You can tell when you enter...

Control or Inspire
Control or Inspire

How do you lead? Do you need a large set of rules, policies, and constant supervision? It is true people respect what you inspect. Many people over manage others to a point the process outweighs the purpose. How comfortable is your leadership style to give others some...

Holes in Your Parachute
Holes in Your Parachute

Seems like a lifetime ago now, but there was time when I jumped from perfectly good airplanes. The Army trained me and paid extra money for me to be on jump status. I was a parachute rigger before I became an infantry officer. A parachute rigger is the soldier who...

Calm Decisions Under Pressure
Calm Decisions Under Pressure

Ever face critical decisions with only seconds to think? Watching sports may cause some to think of coaches who have to quickly decide a call to make. Do I kick the field goal at this stage of the game? Do I bring in the left-hander? Do I make the line change now or...

Please Do Not Disturb
Please Do Not Disturb

When I check into a hotel alone, I have a personal policy that I hang the “Do not disturb” door hanger on my door immediately for three primary reasons, each of which fits the category of personal protection. First, you will laugh, it helps me remember which room I am...

Oops, I Missed One
Oops, I Missed One

When I was eight, one of the activities I most enjoyed was coloring, hiding, and finding Easter eggs. Yes, I know Easter was several days ago, but hang in there with me. After church we always went home for lunch. There was always more food on the table than the...